We are moving into the season of contraction. Autumn invites us to let what is “dead” in our life fall away – just as leaves fall naturally off trees. Letting go of old habits, beliefs, or energies which no longer bring us joy. Taking time to contemplate who we are, what we stand for, and what keeps us waking up in the morning… It’s time for a little Reset. We’ve been doing this regularly for many years and we feel that doing it together, as a group, makes it easier and more fun.
The Reset will be a perfect way to release the stress that the body has been holding and accumulating for a while. Drawing from the Yoga and Ayurveda traditions, we will take some time to slow down, to simplify our diet and to prepare for the challenges that the colder seasons bring to our lives.
From an Ayurvedic prospective, autumn is considered to be the season where the element of ether and air increase the most, so does Vata Dosha inside of our bodies: this impacts our sleep, our capacity to meet life’s challenges with emotional stability, our digestive strength and our muscular skeletal system. If during the past season too much heat (Pitta) has been accumulated, you are likely to be experiencing signs of inflammation and even exhaustion. From a Yoga perspective we are reminded that a moderate diet and regular purification practices are also prerequisites for success in yoga.
This Reset invites you to attune to the changes: to create a daily routine which allows you to slow down as an opportunity for silence so that your unique rhythm can be found and embraced. We will create the conditions for reflection about our own lifestyle and eating habits in order for you to create appropriate changes during and after each stage of the Reset, so that we can move into the Autumn season with energy, stability and focus.
You will experience a gentle, shooting and grounding Reset, which might be unusual for those of you that have never approached Ayurveda before. No fasting. No juicing. Real good home cooked food.
We will look at some seriously bad dietary habit that we have and take a break from it. We will have the opportunity to take a step aside from the busy life and to look with clear eyes and open heart at what works and what doesn’t – and not just around food, but also emotional and mental patterns we have established and might not be so useful at this point in our lives.
You will need to free up some time in your agenda – simplify your life by decreasing your social activities and your workload during the 2 weeks of The Reset. Physical and mental relaxation are required to switch the autonomic nervous system into the healing, restorative mode of the parasympathetic branch. You will need more sleep, more quiet time to breathe and to reflect, and more time to practice yoga regularly!
You will also need to cook your food! This means doing your shopping and preparing simple meals fresh every day. The recipes are given to you and they don’t require particular cooking skills or experience (everybody can prepare these!).
This is a mild ‘detox’ program which is broadly suitable for everyone. However you might experience some side effects which come with any detox regime and with a change in dietary habits.
By the way we designed this Reset program, we assume you are a yoga practitioner already (either you have a regular self practice or you join yoga classes on a regular basis – at least 2-3 times a week).
We also assume you are in good health and will be able to enter this Reset in a responsible way. If you have any doubt about your health or condition, please ask your GP for advice and contact us in advance to discuss any issue you might have.
Consider the following questions:
Is there anything we should know about your physical health? (any diseases, chronic or acute ailments?)
Is there anything we should know about your mental/emotional health?
Do you use medication?
Are you currently treated by a specialist or doctor?
When you have medical issues please check with your GP if it won’t be a problem for you to enter a mild detox. We have the knowledge and experience to lead this Reset programs successfully but we are not medical professionals. Your participation is at your own risk and we will be there to support you and advise you for the best of our capacity.

You can do this at your own pace, starting whenever you want. However, we know that doing it together and going through the different phases of the Reset at the same time, provides extra support for each other and this makes the experience easier.
You will receive initial guidelines in person and subsequently via email at the beginning of each phase of the Reset. There will also be extra information shared daily via a private WhatsApp group (if you choose to join it), which is the channel we use to share questions, suggestions and feedback. Each phase of the Reset will be 5 days long and will provide you with details about your diet, your yoga practices and other lifestyle suggestions which are useful for the specific phase of the process.​
The Preparation Phase will focus on setting the conditions right – getting the space you will need for the Reset, establishing a suitable daily routine with supportive practices and – most important – removing foods from your diet and preparing for the ayurveda-based mono-diet recipes of the Reset Phase.
By the time you start the Reset Phase, your routine will be established, the agenda clear, your kitchen stocked up. In this way, you’ll be able to enjoy the space created for the Reset days and just go through the process as if it was part of your practice.
After the Reset days, you will be ready to integrate back into your ‘normal’ life. The Integration Phase is super important, as you need to go slowly with bringing foods and activities back into your schedule. It will provide you with the opportunity to re-evaluate what to include and what to leave out of your habits. This is really the learning phase of The Reset, 2 weeks of rigorous ‘tapas’ will come to fruition at this very moment.
- Set Up Meeting: Sunday 6 October 14:00-16:00
- Preparation: Friday 11 October to Tuesday 15 October
- Reset Phase: Wednesday 16 October to Sunday 20 October
- Integration: Monday 21 October to Friday 25 October
- Closing Meeting : Saturday 26 October 14:00-16:00
You can of course plan the 3 Reset phases at a later time: you will still receive all the information you need and you will start whenever you feel the time is right for you. In this case, you might miss the Closing Meeting, but it would still be very useful to join the Set Up Meeting if you can.