The word doula means "servant" and the way I see it a doula is at service of Life the way it unfolds: this is the essence of the Sacredness of this work, as old as the Earth. As a woman that supports other women in bringing souls earth-side, I step into a lineage that taps into the same power a birthing woman channels: the power of creation. In holding space for you during childbirth my approach is one of full trust and respect: considering birth a rite of passage, harnessing it's transformative power is fully in your hands, while my contribution is to support you in being fully present and attuned with yourself.
Imagine having a birth companion who not only supports you emotionally and physically but also integrates thousands of years of Ayurvedic wisdom to nurture your body and mind. As Ayurvedic Birth Doula and Educator, I offer personalized care before, during, and after childbirth, guiding you through each step with natural remedies, calming practices, and dietary guidance tailored to your unique needs. From balancing your energy during pregnancy and childbirth to ensuring a smooth postpartum recovery with Ayurvedic rituals, my approach is holistic, tailored on your own unique needs, to help you and your baby thrive.
By choosing to be sided by Ayurveda, you're investing in a nurturing, empowering, and deeply restorative birth experience.
​​​​​​​​​​My services start before childbirth, as I support you while your pregnancy journey unfolds through:
in person meetings
emails and phone calls
The physical and emotional changes during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are Nature's way to support the transition of women into motherhood: at times we observe that making sense of these changes it is challenging.
To this transition I respond by tapping into my emotional intelligence, over 6 years of expertise in guiding women during childbirth and postpartum, and by offering Prenatal Yoga Classes, Childbirth Preparation Courses and One to One Prenatal Sessions.
It is my desire to support you in approaching childbirth with a sense of deeper connection within and awareness, while you feel supported by a wider community of mothers to be and birth keepers of the Mamamoon Community I am part of.
Physical support: doulas are skilled in offering ideas and hands on support offering comfort measures, variety of laboring positions to help the birthing mother
Emotional support: by creating a safe container and making sure the space is peaceful and respectful of the birthing mother, doulas contribute in keeping the birthing mother in the zone, offering comfort and reassurance in crucial moments
Birthing partner support: doulas do not replace the partner, they offer them their experience and help the couple to move through the different stages of labor both during childbirth, during a partner workshop and at distance, over the phone when needed
Informational support: doulas are not medically trained but they have a knowledge that is supportive for the birthing mother and the couple and it is offered upon request
Advocacy: doulas are aware of your wishes, fears and desires when it comes to childbirth as she spent time to get to know you at a deeper level and serves to improve decision making and communication between the couple and the birthing mother and care provider
The largest systemic review of the doula work, published in 2011, reporting 21 combined controlled trial involving over 15.000 women, showed that doula-supported women were:
25% less likely to have a c-section
31% less likely to use synthetic oxytocin to speed up labor
9% less likely to use pain medication
34% less likely to rate their childbirth experience negatively
If you would like to hire me as a doula, make sure to:
​Contact me as soon as possible and inform me about your due date at that point: to avoid to be called at multiple birth at the same time, I only support a limited number of expectant mothers per month.
Consider to start working together as soon as the end of your first trimester/beginning of the second: it is important for me to get to know you and to make sure you have the time and space to integrate our sessions, read the material and practice. It is my desire to be able to serve you at the best of my capacity.
Take a look at my Sacred Birth Ayu Doula Support Packages and ask your questions: after our meeting, if you were to decide to work together I will send you a contract for you to sign up.
Free introduction call (no strings attached, you decide afterwards if we can work together)​
Intake Session
Back up Doula
Digital handout (Birth Preparation, Childbirth and Postpartum and extra material based on the package chosen)
Aromatherapy Essential for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postpartum digital handout
Affirmation cards and Coloring Affirmation Cards for Art Meditation (digital version)
24/7 on call from week 37 onwards and ongoing support via mail and phone/whatsapp
Continuous support from labor through birth (up to 2-3 hours based on needs)
Use of Essential oils during labor and childbirth
Holistic remedies for pain relief, uterine support during labor and immediate postpartum
TENS machine and Rebozo to use during labor and birth
Attending with you a visit to your care provider (if wished)
6 video classes to support you in your pregnancy and postpartum journey for you to re-watch every time you need (lifelong access to consolidate the more educational aspects)
Next to what above, here you can choose one of the following packages:
Sacred Birth Ayurvedic Doula Support

You will be guided in implementing Ayurveda in your daily life and in receiving the ideal support through pregnancy, childbirth and early postpartum over 3 sessions:​
Harness Ayurvedic Wisdom to thrive during pregnancy: adjust your diet and lifestyle based on your gestational phase.
Discover natural methods to strengthen your body, preparing it for childbirth: from the use of the appropriate herbal remedies and tonics to the traditional practices of yoni pichu and yoni steaming, basti, perineal and breast massage​​
Learn how to prepare for the 4th Trimester and the basic healing practices you can provide to yourself and that can be offered.
You will be supported in finding your personal truth and power around Childbirth through 3x2 hours sessions where we may, according to your preferences, explore the followings:
Envision your birth preferences and write your birth plan, to connect with your baby and partner around childbirth.
Laying the foundations for you to make informed choices about labor, childbirth and postpartum healing.
Preparing for birth: partner workshop where your partner learns about natural pain relief comfort measures, how to assist you during labor with massages and positions, rebozo.
If you have given birth before, it is beneficial to spend one meeting to go through that experience together, especially if fears or disturbing memories arise
Sacred Womb Awakening and Listening Sessions: to reconnect to your womb, your sense of sovereignty and power​​​
​This package includes, next to the 6 sessions (some with partners and some on your own) the Mama and baby comfort measures according to Ayurvedic Tradition, offered right after childbirth.
This package is available also for mothers that reach out last minute, (after week 37) should we both have the space to fit the sessions.
Sacred Birth Doula Support

You will be supported in finding your personal truth and power around Childbirth through 3x 2 hours sessions where we may, according to your preferences:
Envision your birth preferences and write your birth plan, connect with your baby and partner around childbirth
Laying the foundations for you to make informed choices about labor, childbirth and postpartum healing
Preparing for birth: partner session where your partner learns about natural pain relief comfort measures, how to assist you during labor with massages and positions, rebozo
If you have given birth before, it is beneficial to spend one meeting to go through that experience together, especially if fears or disturbing memories arise
Sacred Womb Awakening and Listening Sessions: to reconnect to your womb, your sense of sovereignty and power​​
This package is available for mothers that reach out last minute, (after week 37) should we both have the space to fit the sessions.
Sacred Birth Ayurvedic Doula and Hypno-birthing Support

This option offers you to bring together the power of Ayurveda, Hypnobirthing Preparation and Classic Birth Doula Support. This package is for you if you would like to receive, next to the Sacred Birth Ayurvedic Doula Support, a thorough Hypnobirthing Childbirth Preparation guided by Kasia Pokrop, Hypnobirthing Practictioner and Mamamoon Health and Mamamoon App founder. Kasia will guide you with
2x 2 hours Hypnobirthing sessions for you and your partner at your home (incl. learning material).
(*) Here the full Hypnobirthing Course Content: should you prefer to attend a group course with Kasia instead of having the one to one sessions, there is a discount on the overall price.
This package is available for mothers that reach out last minute, (after week 37) should we have the space to fit the sessions.
Sacred Birth Last Minute Doula Support
(after week 37)

I have very limited availability on a short notice, but if you are having second thoughts about hiring a doula, please reach out.
If time allows, we will meet together with your partner during a 2-3 hours Intake Session where we will:
go through your birth preferences, birth plan, history of your pregnancy, fears and wishes around childbirth
receive the extra support needed in terms on material and handout that fits based on your needs and circumstances
reconnect to your choices and birth positions, comfort measures​​
save 5% on full price of €999,-
until 30 September 2023
One to One Sacred Birth Prenatal Doula Sessions

These sessions are tailored for women that would like to have one-on-one preparation for birth, even if they are not looking for support at birth from a Doula.
The prenatal preparation sessions can be booked at any stage of the pregnancy​ and can take multiple forms, depending on your needs.
Topics may include, next to what contained in my Doula Support Package:
Support in connecting with your baby and envisioning your birth
Discussing your option and preparing your birth plan
Practical sessions on different stages of labor: optimal positions and comforting measures
Rebozo massage and the use of the rebozo during labor, childbirth and postpartum
Breathing and meditation sessions
Sacred Womb Awakening and Listening Sessions
Aroma therapy for pregnancy and childbirth
The sessions last 90-120 min, handouts provided when relevant.
save 15% on full price of €150,-
until 30 September 2023