Ashtanga Yoga
Building a Lifelong Supportive Practice
Ashtanga Yoga School Amsterdam opened its doors in 2010, under the guidance of Claudia and Madina, as the first school fully dedicated to pass on the Ashtanga Yoga Method in its traditional form.
The Program soon outgrown the capacity of the small space in Oud-West and while Medina moves abroad, Claudia starts a new partnership with Delight Yoga in 2014, when she starts leading the morning program together with Eva Ugolini in the west part of the city. Over the 10 years of collaboration, a second program flourishes in Oost. During the Covid years the shala has been closed multiple times, moving to online teachings, meanwhile Eva moved to Rome and after a transition time of an year, the community has been held by Claudia, Ombretta, Daniela and Minna. Unfortunately the overall financial pressure that Covid imposed, brought Delight Yoga to file for bankruptcy in June 2023. Despite the most recent events, the Ashtanga Yoga School Amsterdam has not been closed for a day, our community stick together practicing in a temporarary venue until when in September 2023 the school moved back in the space that hosted its growth over many years.
The Community practices at Yoga Circle (De Clerqstraat 66-68): Claudia and Ombretta hold together the main Mysore Program from Sunday to Friday in the mornings and Minna and Ombretta teach the evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The Ashtanga Vinyasa Method is traditionally taught in"Mysore" style referring to the transmission of the practice to the student in a progressive way, where the practitioner learn the asanas (postures) and the correct vinyasa (how to enter and exit a posture) trough instructions provided by an experienced teacher. This way of learning one posture at the time allows the student to memorize the sequence and to build up the confidence and the capacity to tune into the body and the breath.
The practice is often described as self-practice: in truth the support and the relationship that is built with your teacher is one of a kind. The magic of this practice is nested in its being individual and in finding the huge support of a community of fellow practitioners, like-minded individuals that walk their own path as you walk yours.
There is no need for you to memorize the sequence before joining our Mysore Program; all students are welcomed regardless their own experience with Yoga or the Ashtanga method.
Anyone can practice as the traditional sequence is adapted to everyone's individual needs and conditions. However, if you feel that you would like to receive guidance on the practice in a Guided way, I teach a Beginner Level Class every Sunday (see below) that is suitable if you are new to either yoga or ashtanga.
If you are pregnant and you have an established Ashtanga Yoga practice we'll be happy to guide you through your pregnancy journey supporting you with the needed adaptations. However, if you have never practiced "Mysore style" I encourage you to attend one of my pregnancy classes.
When injured the invitation is to practice with the intention to heal: rest can be appropriate at times but more often breathing and moving combined plant a seed towards recovery. It is always important to communicate when there is an injury so that we can support you adapting the practice accordingly.
Yoga postures within the Ashtanga Tradition can virtually be practiced 5 or 6 days a week, however if you are starting off you will find more beneficial to committing to 3 days a week practice. There is no a fixed rule but this is usually helpful to create a routine and if you are new to yoga or if you are coming from led classes.
As body and mind open up and the benefits become evident, you will natural start showing up more often.
For some practitioners this happens after the first month if not the first days, for some others both life circumstances and personal choices may lead to keep the initial commitment over a longer period of time. However, it is never beneficial to practice with a goal but to set the intention of listening at your self and to adjust the practice so that it can be a supportive tool
In Guided Classes the students are instructed by the teacher in a group setting. "Ashtanga Beginner" class is a perfect choice when you do only have an hour time, when you are new to yoga or ashtanga yoga or you are recovery from injury for instance. The class is led at a slower pace, starting from sitting and moving through sun salutations, the fundamental standing asanas, a form of gentle back bending and the last sitting breathing postures. Nadi Shodana and Rest are always integrated.
"Ashtanga Led" classes are open to anyone, they are taught in english with the traditional sanskrit counting. Instructions will be given through sun salutations, standing asanas, seated asanas up to Marichasana A or Navasana (half primary), including all the finishing. Nadi Shodana and Rest are always integrated. Naturally students find themselves drown to try and learn a bit more, moving into a gradual Mysore Practice routine.
All my classes are held at Yoga Circle, De Clerqstraat 66-68, 1052NJ, AMSTERDAM
- Ashtanga Led: Thursdays 12.00 - 13.15
- Ashtanga Beginners: Sundays 11.30 - 12.30
- Mysore Program: is taught daily from Sunday to Friday, together with Claudia Pradella. ​For the full schedule and to reserve your spot visit Yoga Circle
You can join the Mysore Program accessing different Pricing Option including Unlimited Memberships. Cards or Guest Passes.
If you have questions or would you like to start your practice with us, please contact me