Autumn Season calls for introspection and for slowing down.
This is the time to remove the excess of heat that tends to linger after the Summer and balance Vata. The Fire and Water Elements (Pitta) accumulate during the Summer and once Vata and it's predominant elements, Space and Wind enter our body-mind system, the risk is to experience dis-balance in one or more than one of these forms:
internal and external dryness (i.e. skin, air, nails, eyes, mouth).
impaired digestion (i.e. irregular digestion, bloatedness, slow intestine, pain and cramps).
irregular sleeping patterns (i.e. light sleep, difficulty falling asleep or early rising).
feeling ungrounded or easily overwhelmed, difficulty in staying focused or grounding ideas and creative ideas.
muscular and joint stiffness and pain.
One of the ways to ease into the season is to go through a Reset and/or seek for personal guidance.
To support you during this season, I offer you a set of treatments that includes:
Initial Consultation and 2 follow up moments after 3 and 8 weeks
A cycle of 4 Abhyangam Massages with medicated oils according to your constitution and imbalance, combined with mild Swedana Therapy to increase the heat in the body.
3 Shiropichu or Shirodhara treatments to make you feel grounded and balanced and/or improve your sleep, according to your specific needs.
3 Eye treatments: to protect the senses and create a deeper nourishment at the level of the nervous system.
Unlimited Coaching via Email and WhatsApp for 10 weeks
Handouts material and Recipes.
Herbal Remedies at Wholesale Price.
If you would like to level up your self care strategies and learn more about this season
Winter Season sees an increase of the cold and dark element, Earth and Water tend to increase, often creating pattern of stagnation in the body. This is the time where your digestive capacity tends to increase, so your appetite and tolerance for food that has an higher content of fat. This is Nature's gift to keep you insulated and able to withstand the harshness of the season. However, this is the time of the year where we tend more often to fall out of balance, because of the Festivity and the emotional triggers that often call us to self soothe. Ayurveda recognize this season as at higher risk for formation of blockages, that may show up as:
feeling heavy after meals
feeling down and lethargic
unhealthy weight gain
colds, cough, fever
increased stiffness and sense of cold in the body.
To support you during this cold months, I offer you a personalised guidance with a set of practices and treatments that includes:
Initial Consultation follow up moments
Abhyangam Massage with medicated oils according to your constitution and imbalance, combined with strong Swedana Therapy, meant to remove stagnation and support lymphatic and blood circulation.
Nasya treatments to clear and strengthen your respiratory system.
Karna Purana treatments to soften the ear wax, with a deep calming effect on your mind.
Pranayama: a set of breathing techniques to support clarity in the chest and a strong digestive fire.
Unlimited Coaching via Email and WhatsApp for the length of the chosen program.
Handouts material and Recipes.
Herbal Remedies at Wholesale Price.​
As Winter comes to an end, Ayurveda recommends a deep cleansing process, to renew and restore the energy that can be readily available during this season that calls for new beginnings. The fire elements naturally supports the removal of the extra layers we need in winter to protect our body-mind system: it is time for Ayurvedic Pancha Karma.
According to your needs I will craft a program for you that includes:
Initial consultation and 2 follow up moments after 3 and 8 weeks.
Internal cleansing with herbal remedies and food according to your specific needs to remove blockages from the digestive system.
A cycle of 3 Udvartana massages, combined with strong Swedana Therapy, to remove the blockages, stimulate deeply the lymphatic system and help burning and removing the toxins.
Liver and Digestive System cleansing treatments.
Nasya: a cycle of 3 treatments to clean your respiratory tract and strengthen your resistance to pollen and allergies.
A cycle of 3 Abhyangam Massages with medicated oils, combined with strong Swedana Therapy.
Unlimited coaching via Email and WhatsApp for 10 weeks.
Handouts material and Recipes.
Herbal Remedies at Wholesale Price.
If you would like to level up your self care as you enter Spring
Download the FREE Winter Wellness Guide