The Ashtanga Yoga method has its roots in India and it is profoundly linked to the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, who established the Ashtanga Yoga Research Centre in 1948, in Lakshmipuran, Mysore, India.
After his death (2009), his teachings have been carried on by his grandson R. Sharath Jois, the director of the KPJAIY and his daughter Saraswati Jois in Mysore, his son Manju Jois in California and his granddaughter Sharmila Mahesh in Bangalore.
This dynamic method can be used as a powerful tool to develop awareness and to promote changes towards a more balanced lifestyle: the feeling of inhabiting this body increases and this generally brings to more aligned approach to food and life.
Yoga therapy works.
It works on the body, mind and spirit within the net of the relationship between practitioner/student and the teacher.
Ashtanga Yoga primary series is known as Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy) as to underlying the benefits of this consistent practice.
Yoga Therapy is intimately related to the medical and neurological sciences: the benefits coming from the use of yogic tools (i.e. postures, pranayama, chanting and meditation) are scientifically backed up by a body of research that is constantly expanding and creating the fertile ground for Yoga and Science to befriend one another.
What is the aim of the Therapeutic Plan?
The therapeutic plan is meant to guide the set of practices we will be using. It takes shape after a thorough intake focused on the present medical conditions or discomforts, as well as emotional and psychological aspects involved.
A physical/breath assessment follows, where information regarding mobility of the spine, (eventual) structural or functional issues, ROM (range of motion) and injuries are collected.
Previous experience with yoga is not required. Needless to say you do not have to be fit, young, flexible or strong to start the journey: my sessions are approachable and fully customised based on your unique needs.
Yoga Therapy aims to create changes through consistency and repetition: this has a direct effect on the creation of new neural pathways, this means that I will create an individualised practice that most likely won't change for a while.
Nevertheless, even if the core of the prescribed practice will be stable to ensure its efficacy, modifications may be introduced during the sessions according to your physical and emotional state.
What to expect from a session?
Every time we meet, I would want to hear how are you feeling on that day so that the practice can be adapted to your present condition. Each session may include a set of movements/asana, breathing practices and several relaxation techniques.
My aim is to create a safe space where you can have the time to restore, move, reflect and connect with yourself while meeting your therapeutic needs. A few postures, among those we practice together, may be given for you to introduce them into your daily routine after some time.
There are no "set in stone" rules when it comes to the frequency of the therapeutic sessions: working once or twice per week gives you the opportunity to appreciate the benefits at a faster pace but we will work according to your needs and your other commitments.